HiHi&&WelcomeWelcomeI'mI'mRicardo EstevesRicardo Esteves

a Full-Stack Developer

hailing from sunny

Lisbon, Portugal.

Already with "some" years of experience in software development, I'm like the Swiss Army knife of web development. I've transitioned from marketing and advertisement to crafting captivating and disruptive user experiences in the digital world.

I kicked off my coding adventures diving headfirst into the tech world, starting with C++, then through C# and .Net before finding my groove with Python and Django. Then came the era of JavaScript, where Vue.js stole my heart, leading me down the path of SSR with Nuxt.js and PWA's. But wait, there's more! My love affair with frameworks continued with React, Redux, Node.js and MongoDB, paving the way for my expertise in TypeScript. These days, you'll find me knee-deep in the React ecosystem, tinkering with Next.js, Node.js (or Bun ), and relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, NeonDB...) for SSR full-stack solutions, or React and Vite for projects just focused on frontend along with whatever else gets thrown my way.

Image of Ricardo Esteves
Image of Ricardo Esteves
Image of Ricardo Esteves
Image of Ricardo Esteves

When I'm not deciphering lines of code, you can bet I'm hanging out with my trusty sidekick (a chocolate-colored Labrador) who's always up for an adventure. And speaking of companions, did I mention I have a twin brother who's also a coding whiz? Talk about keeping it in the family!

Beyond the digital world, I'm all about embracing life's simple pleasures. Whether it's jet-setting to new destinations, hitting the gym for a workout sesh, or simply chilling with friends and family over a cup of coffee, count me in! Oh, and let's not forget my love for music, reading, and channeling my inner artist through drawing.

In a nutshell, I'm a firm believer in the power of creativity, problem-solving, and a positive mindset. Cheers to new and creative ideas, and endless possibilities!